Environment of Care Risk Review & Assessment

Risk assessment is a vital part of infection control and prevention and should be taken seriously. No matter what kind of healthcare facility you might have, whether it's a hospital with multiple wards and countless patients, ambulatory surgery center, or dental office, in order to gain accreditation from the Joint Commission or other federal and state agencies having a written infection prevention risk assessment is necessary.

Risk Assessment to Meet Your Needs

At New York Infection Control Consulting Services, we will work with you and your staff to perform a careful and thorough assessment - identifying any and all potential risks or hazards to general health and welfare of patients, staff and the community at-large. Risk assessment is not a standardized process, and differs from organization to organization, based on a wide range of factors and concerns that are specific to your facility. Based on your patient population, size of practice, specific protocols, and other factors, we will fully customize your risk review and assessment and develop a plan of action to meet your every need. We will assist you and your staff in identifying key points of risk, alerting others, and educating them on the immediate steps to take in order to remedy such issues - so as to ensure the health and safety of patients and the public.

Why Do You Need Risk Assessment?

As a healthcare organization, dealing with a number of highly infectious and contagious diseases is a huge risk to public safety. And without the proper system in place in order to identify real and potential risk factors, it can become a threat to the lives of countless individuals - both in and outside your facility or practice. In addition, compliance is a must in healthcare, and our team will work with your organization to identify areas of risks, and establish protocols and procedures to mitigate those risks, as well as to establish a clear cut plan of action on how to remedy outbreaks and other infectious disease issues. 

Environment of Care Risk Review as Outlined by the Joint Commission

To ensure that healthcare providers and their facilities meet the standards required for patient safety, the Joint Commission has outlined specific guidelines that must be followed in order to gain accreditation. At New York Infection Control Consulting Services, we perform a careful and thorough risk assessment - going through these guidelines - point-by-point. These guidelines can include a wide range of practices and regulations. From the storage of hazardous materials and equipment, to the placement of fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems and more. 

Why is Risk Assessment Performed?

A risk assessment is performed to identify the real and potential risk factors that create a threat for patients to develop healthcare associated infections otherwise known as HAIs. Using such a risk assessment, we can assist in identifying key areas where you and your organization may be lacking, and not meeting the requirements set forth by federal and state compliance agencies, and assist in the creation of objectives and strategies, designed to ensure the prevention of infectious disease outbreaks and their spread - as well as to ensure the overall health and safety of patients, staff and the community at-large. 

For more information on infection control and prevention, or to perform a careful and thorough risk assessment on your organization, be sure to contact us today. 

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