Infection Preventionist Training & Onboarding

In the healthcare setting, especially in a post-covid world, a knowledgeable and skilled Infection Preventionist or IP, is a vital part of every healthcare practice or organization.

At NYICCS, we help healthcare providers and organizations of all sizes to develop their own in-house IPs and educate them on the specifics they need to know in order to stifle the spread of infections and prevent future outbreaks from developing.

What is an Infection Preventionist?

A vital part of any modern healthcare setting, an infection preventionist or IP is an individual tasked with ensuring the health and safety of patients and staff alike - ensuring the prevention and control of infections and outbreaks at the point of care.

While some organizations might seek the assistance of outside IP, with existing experience and knowledge, many providers often choose an in-house staff member, such as a nurse or NP, to take on the role.

Some of the key responsibilities of an IP include:

  • Performing annual reviews and updating the current infection control/prevention protocols and plans to meet the ever-changing needs of your practice.
  • Tracking, analyzing, and interpreting patient data and infection trends.
  • Developing and implementing new prevention methods or interventions based on that data and observations within the healthcare setting.
  • Keeping up with ever-changing infection control policies and mandates in order to maintain vital accreditations and overall compliance.
  • Notifying federal, state and local authorities on possible outbreaks and infection control issues.
  • Educating other staff and patients on current and new infection control protocols.
  • Mobilizing the in-house outbreak response team in the event of an outbreak.
  • Working to isolate infections and implementing quarantines to prevent the spread of outbreaks and healthcare associated infections (HAIs).
  • Educating other staff, patients and the local public on possible infections and outbreaks.

One-on-One Training & Education

While an IP may not perform all the above duties on a daily basis, it takes an individual who is ready and willing to step up in the face of an outbreak, as well as to identify the possibility of outbreaks and looming infection risks. This takes a lot of knowledge and training.

At NYICCS, we work closely to train and mentor your in-house IP, ensuring they are well versed in every aspect of infection prevention and control, and can identify the possibility of an outbreak before it occurs! We start by training them on performing a careful and thorough review of your organization’s current protocols and procedures, and to identify possible risks and opportunities for improvement.

Our team will guide your in-house IP in establishing infection control and prevention protocols specific to your organization and its needs. We educate IPs to watch out for infection risks and survey the health of your patient population, while understanding when to take action and implement steps such as quarantines and when is the right time to mobilize your in-house outbreak response team to take action. We will ensure that your IP knows precisely how to keep up the standards and practices of your organization, ensuring you maintain accreditation and healthcare compliance as they continue to change and evolve over time.

For more information on infection preventionist training and infection control overall, be sure to contact NYICCS today.

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