Outbreak Management

No matter how careful your practice or organization might be, outbreaks often occur! And when they do, it's vital to have an experienced team to assist you in managing and stifling that outbreak as soon as possible. At New York Infection Control Consulting Services, we will work with your team to identify key issues and factors that may have led to that outbreak, and remedy those issues. 

What is an Infection Outbreak?

An outbreak of infection can be defined as any incident in which two or more individuals have experienced symptoms or illness that can be linked to the same place and time frame. In general, if the occurrence of said infectious illness is greater than what can be expected for that area, and particular location, it is likely you have got an outbreak on your hands and it needs to be dealt with accordingly! In certain cases, when dealing with rare diseases and illnesses, even one case can be considered an outbreak.

How We Can Help Manage Outbreaks?

The first step in managing any outbreak of infectious diseases or illness is identification, and understanding that you have an outbreak in the first place. At New York Infection Control Consulting Services, we help organizations to establish a clear cut set of guidelines and requirements that will ensure that you know precisely when you have an outbreak on your hands.

Early Detection is Key

The sooner you are able to identify an outbreak, the faster you can remedy the issue and ensure the health and safety of patients, staff and the community at-large! At New York Infection Control Consulting Services, we work with your staff to create plans and protocols on how to best identify such outbreaks and the immediate response steps to take. 

Outbreak Control Measures

When your staff is well trained and knowledgeable on identifying outbreaks, they can immediately alert those members of senior management and enact outbreak control measures that our team will help put in place. 


Some of the immediate steps to take include:

  • Informing others, and public health and safety agencies of possible outbreak.
  • Conduct reviews of possibly infected patients.
  • Establishing a quarantine of possibly infected patients and staff, in order to prevent further spread of the outbreak.
  • Enact predetermined outbreak control measures and protocols set forth by New York Infection Control Consulting Services. Can include sanitizing the environment, essential communication with patients/residents, the use of specialized healthcare devices and equipment and much more.

Establishing an Outbreak Control Team

One of the most important steps in preventing the outbreak and spread of infections and infectious disease issues is establishing an educated outbreak control team, that is well trained and understands precisely what to do in the event of an outbreak in their ward or unit. At New York Infection Control Consulting Services, we will work with your organization to help establish such a team, as well as a clear cut, well-defined plan of action on how to best manage an outbreak of infection - specifically tailored to your practice or facility. Whether you are a large scale hospital, with multiple rooms, patients and wards, or smaller outpatient facility, we will establish and educate you on the proper plan of action to follow in the event of any outbreak.

For more information on outbreak management, and infection control and prevention, be sure to contact us today. 

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